Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Oh hell

Now I've got that song stuck in my head.

Fuck Smash Mouth

Do they even know what it's like living here?

No, your tubby ass might as well be making a good song, cause I sure don't see you talking a stroll in my slippers.

Missed the shuttle

Gonna have to VPN from home to work. Podunk town only has one bus and only comes within 4,000 miles of the apartment. Should have gone out for my morning walk to make sure I caught it, but I can't fidn my sweatbands.

It's days like this

I wonder if I should have lived on the moon instead. Friend of mine was going on about that, maybe I could room with him or something. But last I checked he was still living with his mom.

You know I wouldn't mind the heat so much

If those fucking satellites would stop taking pictures of my complex. I'm an American, I have a right to privacy. This ain't the Google Maps car, this is some asshole in like Chile or something in his obsvervatory wanting to watch me play Gears.

Makes me wonder how good technology is that some jackass can spy on me from 93 million miles away.

How did this place get a zip code even

I'm trying to order some comics off of Amazon since a trip down to the shop takes like, 6 months without traffic, more with. How do I get them to ship here? What, do I say "39134 Corona Dr, Apt #293, Sunspot #93, THE SUN."

I don't think I'm eligible for Amazon Prime, at any rate.

The low rent wasn't worth it

I'm stuck in a lease here and I can't even get 3Gs.

At least the air conditioning works, it's definitely feeling a few million degrees cooler in the living room.